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Nicely dressed.

It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog. A lot has happened. Oh geez! I just checked, and the last blog I wrote was in February! Yikes! I have a half written draft of a blog I never published, but I figured I’d just start anew. Fresh off the dome, and all.

So school is done for the year. I did well- Straight As. I’m pleased with this, especially because I was worried about the transition from community college to university, and what kind of differences this would entail. Turns out, the difference wasn’t as distinct as I had imagined. So that’s nice. Read more…

Crunch Time, but only sorta kinda

Yoko reminded me that Sunday is blog day, and because I didn’t have the time last week, I’m writing one now. Also, I’m supposed to be finishing an essay, and this is a really great way to continue my amazing procrastination effort. Maybe as I write I’ll somehow fall into some mystical writer’s flow, or something, and wrap up the essay in a New York Minute (which I hear is somehow shorter than a minute in the rest of the world).

Interestingly enough, the higher your elevation is, the faster time technically travels. I read an article about how two atomic clocks, one at the top of a mountain, and one somewhere not very high were different after a year. Or something, I can’t really remember. I’ve been reading the Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy, so it’s been messing with how I think about the flow of time. Read more…

Busy Bee

Hey dudes. What’s up? Me? Not much, man. Just busy, busy, busy. I should technically be writing an essay right now, but I just ate, am super full, and don’t feel like using my mind grapes. Cool?

So, as I mentioned 3 sentences ago (3 counting this sentence, anyway. Did you go back and count?), I’ve been very busy. I’ve been working up a storm on a couple essays, which I will tell you about now.

My first essay is for HREQ2010. It’s about same-sex marriage in America. My second essay is for HREQ3010. It’s about how neoliberal policies forced upon the Philippines by global institutions like the IMF and World Bank have helped create a situation of extreme poverty, and wherein young children are vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Cheerful, I know. The third essay I’m working on is for HREQ3810. It’s a critical media analysis about Nathan Kotylak’s participation in the Vancouver Hockey Riot last year, and about how the various factors of his identity contributed to keep him safe from lasting pariahism. Fun, right? Read more…